Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2024
Cinema 2030: Welche Auswirkung haben filmsprachliche Neuentwicklungen auf den fiktionalen Film?
Prof. Alexander Herzog über die Auswirkungen neuer Technolgien auf das Kino der Zukunft
The objective of this research is to investigate the potential of virtual beings and environments as a means of creating immersive storytelling experiences. The project is based on a prototypical artistic development approach, exploring the future possibilities of these virtual elements within the context of immersive storytelling.
This work-in-progress presentation of the virtual reality experience, entitled „InVisible“, will demonstrate the potential for interacting with virtual characters and environments through the use of various portrait miniatures and interaction scenarios. The objective is to create characters that exhibit believable behaviour and seem to react intelligently to the user, thereby fostering an emotional connection with the „experiencer.“
A non-photorealistic representation is used to explore narrative and interactive structures through abstraction. Stylistically and content-wise, elements and aesthetic approaches from animated documentary films (AnimaDok) are applied to VR media.
The talk will outline the different methodological steps involved in technological, narrative, and artistic development, reflecting the current state of the prototype not at least in the actual technological progress.
Dienstag, 26. November 2024, 13:30
ScienceTuesdayProf. Tilmann Kohlhaase on the VR experience "InVisible" and exploring interaction with virtual characters and environments
Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2024
Prof. Alexander Herzog über die Auswirkungen neuer Technolgien auf das Kino der Zukunft
04/2024 – 03/2026
"Beam me up!" - Deutschlernmodule für internationale Studierende der h_da und EUt+
Freitag, 9. August 2024
Rückblick zum zweiten ScienceFriday: Ein inspirierender Workshop für Forscherinnen und Forscher